Sunday, April 27, 2014

Note to self: Just Keep Swimming

I was on swim team for a good 7 years and when Finding Nemo came out and Dory sang her "Just keep swimming" song it always popped inside my head during long swim sets and soon would pop into my head outside of the pool. Now, this song and many other quotes from that movie I find are applicable for many day to day or even life events. We can take Disney quotes, Star Wars, LOTR, Last Airbender quotes or lessons learned from sports, music, art, books, films (most of which are from books), we can find little things like a that song to get us through certain things. What this comes down to is how important it is to just keep swimming, if we stop we'll drown. Life has taught me if I just keep moving no matter how tired or weak I might think I am if I just keep pushing forward, at some points with just a blind trust that it's all pretty much in God's hands at this point and He will get me through whatever I might be going through, but I just cannot stop moving, don't stop doing something. Even if it's just getting outta bed (which some people know that may sound like such a simple thing to do but to others it takes a lot of effort to not just crawl under the covers and pass out again), if we just keep moving at whatever pace we can, soon whatever that speed bump was will be in the rear view mirror. Sure glancing back at how far we've come is good every now and again and important to remind ourselves of the strides we've made but, I've found it's hard to get places and keep moving forward if you're looking backwards. Life needs a balance. I'm no philosophical genius obviously, just writing whats been on my mind. Translating thoughts to words is hard, written is easier than spoken I think but seriously, words are hard.
But recently the only thing I've been able to tell myself is just keep moving, don't look back, things in the past are in the past for a reason, these are only bumps, life seems crazy right now, you always say it'll slow down but it just picks up pace. You don't know how a plethora of things are going to work out, most of which you have little to no control over and the things you do have control over... you still don't know exactly what's going on there either. And that's alright. You are bombarded by a million questions and judgmental eyes but why should that bother you? People would still judge even if you did have every single detail of you life planned out. What they think doesn't matter it how you think and how you feel. It's your life not theirs. If' you're thinkin about living out of a camper traveling the national parks, do your research first like you always do. And money...sigh... money...there's no words for that one. Just keep working your ass off like you always do and don't be stupid about spending. pay shit on time... just like you already are. You might not know what's gunna happen after August but, you'll figure it out. You always do. You follow your heart and your dreams and have a good mind for council to reason things out when you're heart is a dumbshit (she's been good at that lately). You've got a pretty good idea of what you want and when you don't know what you want you know what you don't want (which is more helpful sometimes). Yes you can be indecisive... you already knew you had to work on that along with many other things which you've already improved leaps and bounds. You're not who you were and you know who you can become while having a pretty good idea about who you are and who you want to be. Stay true and Just keep moving. Just keep swimming.

So... Note to self:

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