Monday, February 17, 2014

Note to self: Luck might just be an illusion.

"Luck of the Irish" , "Lucky Streak" , "Lucky Duck" , "Lucky Stars" , and my favorite "Lucky Son of a Gun" I've never really quite considered myself "lucky"...per say. Blessed most definitely. I've been blessed with a lot but lucky I've always thought of a little differently. I'm sure if I really sat down and thought about it I'd have a few stories people might say were "Lucky" but, those stories like the near death sorta stuff, I'd say it was God's hand in on it, in one way or another. My best friend has this thing against the word "Lucky", which I never understood her despise of the word although, I think I am starting to realized I really truly do not have any luck. what so ever. I've never had luck because I've always had.. and have.. God... or maybe it's all one in the'm not sure... just kinda wingin it like I am learning to do with other parts of life but, either way, there's no such thing as luck I guess... there's only reason... a reason for everything... a lesson or a blessin... from The Big Guy.
I'll still use the word outta habit I'm sure but, I think I'm starting to get it... this whole "being lucky thing"...people also say make your own luck which is not only slightly annoying to hear but has always translated in my head as "work your ass off" which I do and will continue to do..that's probably why it's slightly annoying to hear people suggesting you to do something you're already
I need to sleep.

Note to self: I have something better than luck. I have God.
                    Keep on keepin on and keep praying and talkin to Him and trying your best to live for Him.
...Done n out.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Note to self: Throw it into 4WD

Life's a bumpy road... So throw it into 4WD and floor it through the mud an muck and do a few doughnuts along the way... Or eat a few doughnuts but either way try to just make the best of it all. Life's messy and you're gunna get a little dirt on your tires anyways might as well try and make it the best drive you can.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Note to self: Hopelessly Hopeful

I can't fix every thing that's broken or hurt.
I can't take home every stray pet I find.
I can't be everyone's friend (I go nuts just trying to be the best friend I can be to the ones already in my life).
I can't change a lot of things if the time aint right.
I sure as hell already know I can't change people, but that never stops me from trying to help them and be there for them...which I've come to realize only hurts me in the end. (it's always good to remind myself of this more often than not, people DO NOT change and if they do it has to be on their own time because they want to and because of the right reasons).
I can't solve every single problem.
I can't turn back time.
I can't be perfect.
I can't always keep the peace.
I can't live up to peoples standards of who they think I should be. I'm gunna be who I am.
I can't take back the stupid shit that likes to come from my mouth.
I can't stop's tiring but I'm hopelessly hopeful.
I can't stop caring about everyone in my life and everyone I meet.
I can't hide my love of art and nature.
I can't stop loving and hating life. (Peaks and Valleys...chock full of peaks and valleys)
I can't stop looking for good in people and this world.
I can't stop learning. (I don't change... I just learn new things)
I can't stop moving, not that I'm fidgety, but always move forward, turning the next page until I hit the next chapter. I put my metaphorical life car in drive, rip off the rear view mirror, and never look back but never forget where I've been. Keep it in drive. Never reverse. I wont get anywhere near my future potential if I go backwards.
I can't focus right now... and write my 10page paper but I can write a blog post...
There's a lot I can't do, but I can't stop being me.