Thursday, December 26, 2013

Note to self:

To be honest...I'm not really sure how a blog works... actually I'm not really sure about a lot of this tech stuff...I suppose it's fairly simple and straight forward. Half the people that read this just fell out of their seats I'm sure lol. But for a girl who dreams about getting out of suburbs and city I'm surprised I spend as much time on the interwebs like I do haha. (yes I just said interwebs)
 I guess this is just another place to post work, thoughts, or whatever your heart desires in hopes that maybe you'll connect with people on similar grounds, inspire people, or someone will see it, spread the word, and build another social network of "followers"....maybe commission who knows. With so many things to be "following" out there I should stop following and start leading my own... well whatever this is. Not that I follow much to begin with, for being a 24 year old and just figuring this stuff out while all my Illustration friends are over here on Cintiqs or making awesome paintings on Photoshop and I'm like, "Look at my traditional art...oh look I scanned it and turned it into vector work. Look... my version of Illustrator wont save anything with text unless I save "for web"... Oh.. it decided to shut down in the middle of my project that's due in 3 hours. Technology may or may not have a vendetta against me. yeah... Hi guys, I'm new here.. in the digital age. I've been living under a rock apparently." Even my fellow glassblowers noticed my lack of tech savvy and said it was cute... I don't know if cute is the right word for it but I'll take that word over the other options. haha Everyone is speaking some foreign language that is all about these "hashtags", "vine videos", "snap chats", and a plethora of many other terms I hear in passing but don't use. Thanks to the teasing of my brothers I learned what a "casual" is. haha In gamer terms I suppose I'm a networking casual.
                  1. casual gamer
casual gamers make up the silent majority of computer and console game players that:
1. use pc and console games as a means of socializing or to connect with friends rather than as an achievement or to further their reputation as a skillful game player.
Fill in the blanks change a few words and that's me haha Casually using networking to connect with friends rather than achieve to further my reputation as a skillful artist. hahaha
Anyways...I'm not completely ignorant to these things... but I have been stuck in my hobbit hole for far to long reading, drawing, day dreaming, pinning (I think I get points for using Pinterest... but I think I quickly loose those points for not using it to it's full networking capabilities). Lets just say the Networking Gandalf just came knocking on my door and I am reluctantly going on this adventure. LOL
This should be good.
SO... Note to self:
        Post more stuff on blog and facebook art page.
        Update website more.
        Keep it classy and a little sassy. haha as long as I'm having fun with it others might too (I'd like to think that's true, but this whole blog thing might just end up being me talking to myself too).
People will love it, people will hate it, people will talk about it or people wont know what they're talking about, people will glance over it but people will never see your work if you don't get it out there.
        Get Photoshop... and a version of Illustrator that doesn't want to sabotage you.
        Sell right arm and get a Cintiq haha

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